
La palabra “gachupín” esta derivada del apellido Cachopín, una familia de alta clase en Laredo, Cantabria, España.   Por ejemplo, en la  obra La Diana, por Jorge de Montemayor de1559 hay algunas líneas que dicen:

El apellido fue popularizado como estereotipo de un personaje literario o uno de los hidalgos, una clase social relativamente alta caricaturizada como prepotente. ....CONTINUE READING

Blowing Smoke

Quit blowing smoke up my ass” (meaning “quit lying”), is a phrase that has its origin in the practice of…no kidding… blowing smoke up asses.

The practice began in pre-Columbian North America, where wild tobacco was harvested by Indians and smoked in clay or stone pipes, as well as to be used to produce smoke for use in a clyster, or enema.  Later, the Indians subjected their horses to these tobacco-smoke enemas as well as each other, as this illustration from the 1700s shows: ....CONTINUE READING

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