Colectivos are shared vans (combis) operated by the taxi union that run along fixed routes with fixed stops. Prices are by the ride, not by the stop or distance. Non-scheduled stops are not allowed. Routes are marked on the van’s windshields.
All 7 routes begin and end at Chedraui Plaza. They begin running at 6 AM and the last run is at 8 PM, daily, but Sundays the service may be a little delayed, as the supervisors have Sundays off. No animals, smoking, or consumption of alcohol allowed aboard. Cost is 8 pesos adults, 4 pesos children under 3 years old or students and seniors with ID. Supervisors are on hand Mon-Sat at stops at Chedraui, Av. 35 x Av. 65, and Juarez x Av. 90. There is always an English-speaking supervisor at Chedraui. The main office is on Av. 5 between Av. Xelha and Av. 13.
Colectivo Route 5 Chentuk-San Gervasio is shown below. It is run by 2 vans, #5-02 and #5-06. One of these two comes by each stop every 20 minutes.

Colectivo Route Emiliano Zapata I (below) is run in a clockwise direction by van # 12, which makes each stop every 20 minutes.

Colectivo Route 6 Circuito Colonias Norte (below) is serviced by 2 vans, #6-07 and #6-10. A van passes by each stop every 25 minutes. The route is the same as Colectivo route 6 Circuito Colonias Sur, but in the opposite direction (Route 6 Circuito Colonias Norte travels clockwise).

Colectivo Route 6 Circuito Colonias Sur (below) runs the same route as Colectivo Route 6 Colonias Norte, but in the opposite direction (counter-clockwise). It is run by vans #6-08 and #611 and they pass each stop every 25 minutes.

Colectivo Route 9 Ranchito (below) is run by vans #9-03 and #9-15 in a clockwise direction. A van stops by each stop every 25 minutes.

Colectivo Route 1 San Miguel I y II (below) is run by vans #1-01, #1-04, #1-05, and #113, traveling in a counter-clockwise direction. A van services each stop every 9 minutes.

Colectivo Route 7 Circunvalación is serviced by vans #7-09 and #7-14, in a counter-clockwise direction. A van comes by each stop every 20 minutes.

Copyright 2017 by Ric Hajovsky